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Newonflix - Streaming movie catalogue





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:63, 6 Greenknowe ave. 2011 Sydney

Newonflix - Streaming movie catalogue(圖1)-速報App

Finding remarkable movies to watch on Netflix is hard. That's why Newonflix tries to help you providing a streamlined user interface to easily scroll and see interesting movies to watch.


- Popularity filter™

- Hide/show watched movies

- Youtube HQ Trailers

- Sort by recently added or ratings

- No Ads

- Ratings from iMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic

- Per region localization + English always available

Currently supported regions:

- Argentina

- Australia

- Brasil

- Canada

- Chili

Newonflix - Streaming movie catalogue(圖2)-速報App

- Colombia

- Deutschland

- España

- France

- Italia

- México

- New Zealand

- Österreich

- Perú

- Portugal

- Schweiz

- United Kingdom



For a better experience, you should have Netflix app installed, as you cannot watch movies directly on Newonflix.

Newonflix - Streaming movie catalogue(圖3)-速報App

Newonflix is not affiliated with Netflix, or any other 3rd party company, so we don't have any control over the movie catalogue.

Newonflix - Streaming movie catalogue(圖4)-速報App